Stone loves Baby Einstein!
Today I was reminded where we were a year ago. We were waiting to see my results of my blood work from Dr. Dorsett in Lubbock. The good news came in that we were pregnant after two year of trying lots of tears shots and new tires on the Tahoe from driving back and forth to Lubbock. We were finally going to be parents. It took two rounds of AI and one round of invitro but he was worth the wait. Stone is an easy baby, I was never sick and delivery went great and he is the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen. (we are not proud at all) So this week Aubrey and Justin got to experience the same situation but this was the second round of invitro for them and yesterday we found out they will be having a baby. We are so excited for them and we are excited that Stone will a new friend or two to play with. The miracle of life is a huge miracle I can not imagine life without Stone we are so blessed to have him. Stone will be 4 months old tomorrow and his Daddy will turn 30! Happy Birthday Daddy!