Thursday, August 30, 2007

I've been tagged!

I have been tagged and I am not very good a blogging so I will try not to bore you.
The Rules!
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/ habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) (if your not a blogger you can e-mail them).
3. At the end of your blog you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Dont forget to leave a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

Here are my 8 facts.
1. Greg and I dated three months then got engaged and we knew eachother 8 months when we got married!
2. Greg and I both have b-days on the 19th just different months.
3. In Nov. we will have been married 5 years! Wow is all I can say..
4. We will be in Vegas for our Anniv. Our friends the Fischellas than we met on our honeymoon live in Vegas and Paul works at the hotel that we are staying at. We are planning a big Anniv. party for the 4 of us on the 16th of Nov.(oh they were married the same day as we were).
5. We have 2 dogs Hunter is 5 Harley is 2.5 and they have been our life until March of course. We will see how they like the baby.
6. March 29th, 2008 we will be having our first child and we are so excited.
7. Greg went to WHS I went to AHS we graduated the same year even had a lot of the same friends but we never crossed paths.
8.I have a new sister in law Hannah.
I tag.
Suzanne R. Carolyn P., Liz F. Kimberly W., Gram R., Melanie M. Janice G. Sharon J.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not sure what to do BUT I am so excited you guys are having a baby! AND can't wait to see your little guy/girl.